Flexible Support Ship Absalon in town

Even though it is not much fun going for a Sunday walk without your girlfriend, it sometimes have some benificial side-effects. While strolling briskley, as we do in these parts, down to the Thames and Eastwards to Tower Bridge, my eyes fell on a big ship mooring alongside HMS Belfast.
It turned out to be the Royal Danish Navy's new flexible support-ship Absalon. What luck! Just the other day I had been to the Royal Defence College to get some primers for writing about, well, the new Danish flexible support-ships and diplomacy.
I had a very interesting tour around the ship that is in town on a promotion tour.
And had Ernest & Young not build their big skyscraper right by the Thames, I could have looked down on the deck from my room.
What a luck you had on that sunday afternoon, a brand new danish ship, presentet just underneath your windows.
1/3/05 14:55
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