Mac helps me think
Mac OS X lets you mark files with colour and write comments for them.
Now working on my second 60+ references dissertation I have realised how satisfying it is to mark the files you have read with your grading of their quality (green=good, red=rubbish) - and less inspiring to see all that blue which means "To be read ASAP"

You stole my idea! Thieven' Dane!
16/1/06 10:05
Well Nate, all respect is due. You taught me the trick, alright, and I have carried the torch to dark northerly lands.
On another note - I think I would use the colourgrade-system to mark topics instead of quality next time around. I think you did that?
19/1/06 10:06
I say no. You could group them in folders for topic, e.g. Folder "Iran" Sub-folder "Nuclear Program" then usefulness. But that's just me.
20/1/06 06:00
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