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Danish public diplomacy

The Danish right-of-centre party Dansk Folkeparti (Danish People's Party) now suggests that Denmark makes a broadcasting facility to broadcast news and "democracy education" to the Middle East. Politiken writes about it here.

This seems to be a copy-paste action of the successful public diplomacy conducted by stations such as Radio Free Europe, BBC World Service and Deutche Welle. And it is a nice thought.

But considering all the run-ins that Dansk Folkeparti has had with the state-owned national radio and television company Danmarks Radio over issues of "leftism" and misrepresentation of DF, it is not likely that DF has understood what the real force of, say BBC or VOA, was: independent, critical broadcasting, where even the British, American or Danish government would get their fair share of the criticism.

A state-controlled media broadcasting the magnificense of Denmark would just not be credible - or interesting.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you are right here but what should Denmark do to restore its reputation after the cartoon affair?

20/4/06 18:16

Blogger Nis said...

Well, that is a good question. I am very much a believer in the old rhetorical thought, that if you want to appear to be a good man, be a good man. In that way I think there will be no quick-fix for Denmark, but continuing on the present path of small-state idealism and actual investment in public diplomacy through dialogue is the right way. A radio-station would be a good thing - as long as it is independent. Wouldn't be very "Danish" either with a sponsored, censored station.

28/4/06 11:23


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